• Hello from Central NY!

    The Last few Months Hello from NY!! Wow! These past few months have been a blur and yet a beautiful one! God has done things I couldn’t have even dreamed and He also fulfilled parts of my story that He promised 15 years ago. He is faithful and He is TRUE and His words never…

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  • 2023 Year Ministry Recap

    Dear family, friends, and supporters. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!! God did so many beautiful things in 2023, and I wanted to celebrate by sharing a recap with some testimonies! January 2023 – Renewal Retreat for Missionaries in Texas A team of 20 people at a Crisis Pregnancy Center were…

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  • Summer Updates into the Fall Ministry Season

    October is under way. Everything has started up; full steam ahead!  But to step back a moment and give an update of the summer. God did so much during the summer. For me and through me. Some highlights: I had the opportunity to attend a Worship School for a week and grow in the technical…

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  • Back in Redding for the Summer

    I am back in Redding, CA! Yay for being home 🙌🏻 I have over the past few years become more fond of having a place to have roots and consistent community. I find that to be able to go out strong and prepared I need the former. So, glad to be home and still for…

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  • Hello from Mississippi!

    Hi all! I am currently in Jackson, MS and will be working my way down to the coast this weekend. Looking forward to all the connections I can make with friends and family during this time and to see how God moves in people’s lives. 🙌🏻 A week and a few days ago I was…

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