Trip and Life Updates from October
Topics in this update
- Trip to DC
- Trip to Redding
- Testimonies from this past month
- Our home to renovate
- Upcoming trips
Prayer Requests
- Direction for Brian and I in ministry
- Finances for upcoming ministry trips
- 1 to Asia in the next 6 months
- 1 overseas in the next 4 months
- Favor, strength, wisdom and finances for renovating our home “to be”
- Grace in learning to walk in intercession more frequently for our ministry and what God is doing
In October on top of all our ministry pieces going full steam ahead, there were a few trips that I went on with ministry and God did really good things.
The first trip was to DC where we gathered with 100’s of thousands of women and men physically there and millions globally to pray for our nation and bring freedom and repentance to our people and land.
My mom and some ladies from her church, my friend Jessica and also my team mates Alexis and Shannon came to stand for God in our nation. One picture is worship and the other the group of my mom, Jessica, Alexis and I. This was such a significant day and moment culminating ages of prayers for our nation. Through out the day I could feel God shifting things in people and for the nation. I was overcome by His Spirit moving at times that I was crying without understanding why but I could sense how significant the joining together in unity was. We are still praying and believing for God to move in wonder and power.


The other trip that I went on was a week later. My husband Brian and I took a small group of youth to a Young Saints Conference in Redding, CA. This trip the group had opportunities to see more of how God moves in people in His power. It gave us the opportunity to have conversations about how God can show up and reveal Himself to people and trusting Him in this. And it was really great to be able to share a place that I’ve experienced God to move so profoundly in my life and also in others. Believing that a heart for revival was planted in their hearts and a fire for the Lord was stoked in their hearts. Also, God confirmed things in Brian and my hearts of the future and being in ministry together. We are praying through ideas we have been feeling God leading us to.
This past month it has been good seeing how God is moving in our students in Romania and also in Missionaries overseas that we are ministering to.
Recently this past week I was interceding for our staff and students during small group. I was praying for a specific staff member that was questioning her ability to lead her small group. I felt the Lord tell me she carries the child-like heart that connects with God in a way that doesn’t make sense to the mind and yet if she chose to not believe the fear but to trust how God works through her and if she chose to step into leading from a place of child-like fun and joy and trust then her students who have been stuck will join her and follow her lead and see freedom and also the child-likeness will be theirs. It will unlock them from being so serious and that they will be able to be with God in this child like trust and experience God in a deeper way. So, I was declaring what I felt God say and believed for Him to do what His will was.
When the team debriefed after their small group meeting, the staff member mentioned how she felt during the small group to just be her free child-like self and lead her students this way and where the students before had been kind of distant and stuck in not connecting with what they were learning they chose to follow her and experienced breakthrough in their connection with God and the students had deep things happen in their hearts that we were believing for. Praise God!!! The staff member was also greatly encouraged in the truth that she doesn’t have to be like someone else but she is only meant to follow the Holy Spirit and lead the way He has empowered her to lead. She did! and she was encouraged to keep going and trusting His ways even when they seem foolish to the wise. I was also encouraged to see again how quickly God moved when declaring out what He was saying He wanted to do. How He changed people’s hearts and set people free and also encountered them. Thank You Jesus!! I want to say what He is saying, this is my aim by the resurrection power of Jesus.

From the picture above, the students that Shannon and I are training for reaching Missionaries all over the world are getting going for the year! This group is full of hope and also belief for what God is going to do through them. I have felt a unique level of belief and faith in our students that I am excited to see impact the nations. It is through our belief that God moves. When we believe, we trust and we follow. So, these students are being trained in hearing God’s voice and also ministering deeply to missionaries. We have seen God do so much in the past years and we are believing for even more of Him to heal, restore and set on fire every missionary that comes! This week begins our first online session with student’s family members as we give them stepping stones to ministering to the missionaries well. Believing for God’s fire to fall! 🔥 In the picture above a student was sharing her testimony of her own healing and then a few minutes later she prayed for another student and that student was weeping as she was being undone by God’s love for her.

The above picture shows me and my team as we prayed before a session with missionaries in west asia. During our ministry with missionaries God has been moving powerfully in the missionary’s hearts and lives. A week ago I received a testimony after ministering with a lady in a closed nation. She experienced God’s love and Him healing her heart. The session was powerful and I could sense God moving in her deeply. She shared after “During this session, I think I was cleansed and healed from the bad words my family said to me in the past.”
My teammate and I could see her being impacted by God’s love for her and setting her free. It was encouraging to hear this from her a week later. And today we reached another missionary and also for her deep heart things were being revealed and God was covering her.
I was trying to post a video on here but that wasn’t working. Or I don’t know how to work it. haha. But my husband and I have been given the opportunity to buy his grandparent’s old house. We are believing for this to be the Lord’s hand in giving us a place to own and not rent in this housing market, as the family has given us a really good price and also we have peace in this dream fulfilled. This home has A LOT of work that needs to be completed and we have started this process. 🙌🏻 We are believing that not only will God help us in its completion with time, energy and finances, but He will also establish a home in this process that brings life to all who visit. A home where people will have breakthrough in identity as sons and daughters and where people will encounter God’s presence.
This property has been in the family for many years and the house has been around a good bit too. We are restructuring the upstairs and some of the rooms downstairs for the first stage and then hoping to add another room onto the bottom floor among other pieces in the next few stages coming in the years to come. We are both excited to make this home our own. 😁🙌🏻🎉

In the past few months I’ve also been undertaking canning food items and learning new recipes. We’ve been trying to eat healthier and so cutting sugar down in the recipes and learning how else to make these items delicious and set properly… haha. Well, set, maybe not as set as I hoped but they taste good 😁 I have been able to can tomatoes, peaches, strawberry jam and apple sauce and butter. If you want to try some, come on over!
This coming season I will be getting back to some more travel. I have been feeling for a while that going to Asia will be happening, but I have been waiting for the right timing. I believe that timing is coming soon. As Brian and I have felt to pursue going together. Also, part of what I am leading in is intercession and this is a major part of the Asia ministry currently. I believe as we step through layers like a veil in prayer we will be then stepping into more physically.
I have also felt to travel in January and we are praying for clarity on this. My team is going to Romania at the end of January and this could be the trip I will join or God could have more in store for this time. Praying for clarity and provision for all He is orchestrating.
Thank you for partnering with me and all God has been and will be doing! And also, thank you for being with me in this journey of growth with Him.
Blessings and grace to you and your family!