Summer Updates into the Fall Ministry Season

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October is under way. Everything has started up; full steam ahead! 

But to step back a moment and give an update of the summer. God did so much during the summer. For me and through me. Some highlights:

I had the opportunity to attend a Worship School for a week and grow in the technical aspects of music, which is great because I haven’t had much of this in many years. I also was surrounded with worshipers in their own pursuit of leading others into God’s presence, learning and gleaning from those who have gone before. I gained so much during this time. I’m still working through all I learned and also was able to minister to a beautiful couple at a point in the week. It was a God set up to bring clarity into a season they are walking through and God had it so they in turn were able to minister to my heart as well. I love how God connects people and through this connects them to Himself. He is amazing. 


I then had my birthday and well had fun like a kid. 😂 I decided to go to a Trampoline Park for my birthday and thankfully there were almost no kids there, so as we were jumping we didn’t have to worry about accidentally stampeding a kid! It was such a fun day of being free and feeling God’s presence and experiencing beautiful community. So thankful for all the people God has given me. 

Then in the beginning of August my ministry team of Arise Global all attended a week long conference on the prophetic and spent the week growing in our giftings with God and with input from community. This was such an impactful week! I am still wrapping my head, understanding around all that God was revealing during this week to me personally and also all that I learned with how to walk in this gifting in a stronger and more pure way with God. During the week I was able to meet people from all over, and gained friendships and Divine connections. God has so much in-store for the world through the gift of prophecy and I look forward to seeing Him impact the nations even more through it. 


After this our team took a week vacation and got ourselves settled for the year that has commenced. We started with our team retreat and in this time is when our two new teammates officially joined our activities for the year! Yay for having Lysen and Shannon become a part of our team! We are truly excited for their partnership and seeing all God will do in them this year. We’ve been praying them in for a few years now and God brought them in. 🙌🏻 I’ll have a picture below with our whole team. God did so much in our unity during this retreat, and we dove into a Scriptural study on the topic of Grace, while also enjoying some outdoor activities (kayaking, biking, etc). God brought freedom in this week to me personally on this trip. Stepping into more freedom in worship and freedom from some old wounds with leadership. So thankful and also was beautiful. 


Since these events we have started our Kingdom Leadership Schools in Romania and Asia and wow is God moving in the nations and in people’s lives! We felt led to postpone our normal Kingdom Culture and Personal Revival (KCPR) schools in these two locations until the Spring and instead focus on the next stage of development for the schools which is our Kingdom Leadership School. And they are both off to a great start! I love how the two schools are built on the same foundation but in this are so uniquely different as we follow the Holy Spirit according to the needs of the separate groups. We are believing for God to do even more for our students this year! God did sooo much last year and He can do more than we imagine! 

And now, as of yesterday,  our Missionary ministry online is off and going! My team and I got to welcome the students who will participating and helping make this ministry happen. We started the training on why, what, and how we reach missionaries. God has given us a great bunch of students that I am excited to be running with this year as I lead this ministry. So excited about what God is going to do for the missionaries and also for each student helping to minister to the missionaries! Let’s go!!! 🔥🔥


Pictures below are also a part of what has been happening over the last few months…  


Worship School, Birthday fun, FullyFunded Workshop, and Music Intercession Underway


Intercession Worship, my Grandpa and I, Harvest time, and Beautiful Group of Women
