The Last few Months
Hello from NY!!
Wow! These past few months have been a blur and yet a beautiful one! God has done things I couldn’t have even dreamed and He also fulfilled parts of my story that He promised 15 years ago. He is faithful and He is TRUE and His words never fail! It’s just my belief at times that is shaky and yet He has shown again how astoundingly GOOD He is!
Many know now, and some are still becoming acquainted with the fact that I have moved to NY and have just gotten married. I am usually a pretty private person so even making posts have been a bit of a challenge for me. But God has encouraged me to live my life openly before others to be able to impact and encourage those around me with my challenges and my successes. Right here is a pic of my mom and I as she helped me finish up my across the country move from CA to NY.

I moved to NY to follow God’s leading in marrying this amazing man, Brian Nodine. He is a man of great character and tenderness and passion for God’s kingdom to be lived out today. He is a dear friend and now my life long partner in bringing God’s love and identity and kingdom to the world.
Brian is from Central NY and lived here all his life but also has a desire to go where God leads and when He leads. He came out to California last year and we met at a Prophetic School in Redding, and from there God has been unfolding our story. He also has two amazing teenagers that I am building life with as well. So thankful to be added to their family.
This other picture is of my mom, my Grandpa George, and myself in Iowa at our halfway point across the country. My mom and I got to create good memories together and learn to travel well together. Such a precious time! All my things made it and we made it with no hiccups! Praise God!

Here is my hillbilly load that made it with me across the country. HAHA
I sold and gave away most of my things and took what I could for the next season that was coming. It was a journey of letting go and starting over, if I’m honest, I was tired to think of doing again. But I also knew this was what God was leading me into and He always fills us with more than we leave behind. And He is building that more and more in my life, awareness of His faithfulness and also the cost and the benefits to following Him. He gives more than we could ever let go of, but we do have to let go and trust Him.
As this new season has begun, I am still in ministry. Working from home mostly with my team online, as most of our ministry is online or overseas anyway this has been a blessing to be able to continue living out the calling God has given me in this way. As I am typing this I am sitting at my new office, the dining table in the home Brian and I are renting. It is a log cabin type house and in the middle of beautiful woods. It’s kind of a dream I always had, to live in a log house for a bit and that is coming true as I type this.

This past season in ministry, I saw multiple students grow and be healed and empowered to walk in God’s power. I love that what the students learn isn’t limited to a single area of their lives but it is like yeast that works its way through the whole of their lives, bringing confidence and clarity to hearing God’s voice and following Him in belief that He wants to move through them and will. Here is a picture of some of my students from this past year that I trained and ministered with to Missionaries all over the world. We reached over 26 nations and often multiple missionaries per nation.
Over the last many months I had been working on a theological studying of scriptures that we teach on in our FullyFunded part of ministry. This has been a long and big project that I have finally been able to wind to a close. Yay! And now on to another project to help our worship team build a group of songs we can pull from in different languages. Currently focusing on Romania but the hope is to begin eventually building this list for many nations. Not just American songs but ones that are written by people in the different countries. Building a database where we know the words and heart behind the songs and also have songs that sing forth the kingdom of God here now. I’m excited about this project as it will help facilitate our worship teams in different nations to grow and be unified in purpose.
Our Wedding June, 29th

The last month has been about getting married, finishing up some projects and beginning new ones, settling in to home and learning a new place and becoming a part of a new group of people here. The people in Brian’s community here are very supportive and kind. He has a great church that I am now apart of and will be looking for what ways God wants me to be plugged into. Brian and I had such a lovely wedding back on June 29th. God dropped the temp for our wedding day into the 70’s from the previous 90’s the days before and He held back the rain till the day after. So thankful for His hand that He has shown every step of the way in our journey. Wow! His goodness is beyond understanding! Some wedding pics and pics from after to the left and below.

What is Coming Soon...
In the next week I will be going to CA again for a yearly staff retreat with my team to pray and plan for what God is wanting us to do this coming school year. To have time growing in the Word together and in His presence. This time is always a strategic time for the coming year. Please be praying as we seek God in His plans and timing and strategy for Arise Global and each of us in the team. We are praying into the two schools we lead, one in Romania and one in Asia, also praying into any new projects or ministry pieces He is asking us to do, praying about Fullyfunded and what He wants that to look like this year, what churches and ministries He wants us to reach out to for partnering with them and ministering to the leaders or their people, what He desires for our ministry with Missionaries this year as well and see if there is anything else He has for us that we haven’t thought of, along with asking Him is there is anything we need to change. These are prayer points you could partner in prayer with us for. Thank you for partnering with me in what God is doing!!