Fall 2024 is Here!

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Upcoming things in Ministry:

  • Our team started the KCPR School in Romania
  • Missionary Encounters is beginning this week
  • Continuing Missionary Ministry in West Asia
  • Shifting more hours of my week to Intercession
  • Traveling to DC for an Intercession trip 
  • Co-leading a small group of youth to Bethel for a Youth Conference
 Prayer Requests:
  • Grace for traveling and wisdom in ministering to people I meet
  • Covering for my family while I am away
  • Missionaries in West Asia and the Missionaries we minister to weekly around the world
  • Wisdom on what God is wanting for the East Asia part of the ministry this year
  • God connections with churches
  • Strength and finances as Brian and I start to renovate our house

And Fall is in full swing up here in Central New York. The leaves are changing and falling and the temps have dropped down. As a family the school season and soccer season are underway.


In ministry our Missionary online ministry sessions have been going already. Last time as we ministered to a missionary in West Asia, we saw how the Lord was setting her free from un-forgiveness and He was filling her with the truth of His love and justice. I love how God meets people exactly where their hearts are. He knows us better than we know ourselves and He has the answers to our needs. And then today another missionary was deeply impacted as I had time ministering to her. She shared with me afterwards “Thank you so much for your prayer. I didn’t really know what to expect. It was the first time to me to be in a situation to only receive and to receive in such depth. I am very encouraged and feel built up. God is so good 🙌🏻🔥 Thank you so much for the way you let Him use you to be a blessing to others!”

Being able to minister to missionaries, especially those in countries that have a long history of persecution of Christ and His church, is a gift and honor. As a team we weekly stand in the gap with those in these countries and pray for them and walk them also through inner healing and times of believing for breakthrough in their lives and circumstances. And in this case this week, freedom. God loves to set people free! 


Over the past few weeks I’ve been organizing our ministry’s worship collection for our Romania school. Getting better structure for bringing more people on the team and also organizing new songs that have been written by Romanians for worship in their original language. There is an added strength to worship when it is actually written in the language it is being sung and we are excited about the songs we have just added to our options for our students in Romania. 


Right now my team and I are praying through God’s plans for the school in Asia that I am the Assistant Director of. How God is wanting this school year to be structured and what He is wanting us to focus on. We have felt led to push the start of this East Asia ministry to the beginning of next year as we seek Him for how He is wanting this structured and also as I shift some of my time more to intercession for this time. 


Our Kingdom Culture and Personal Revival School has started in Romania for the year and in a few days our ministry with training students to minister to Missionaries will be starting for the year. We are in hardcore prep-mode for these programs to start. And this year I am passing on a large part of the leading of our Missionary Encounters to another person on my team, Shannon.

She and I have been working on this handing over process for the last few months while also this past year I was training her in person. Now that I am all the way on the other side of the country she will be leading this ministry in person while I help with training and teaching the students while I also continue doing the admin for these sessions. I’ve loved seeing my co-worker grow in her confidence in leading groups and also in her following the Lord’s leading during these times with the students. God is doing great things through this ministry, not only in the missionaries but also in the students we train and lead for the year.


A new development in my ministry is dedicating more time to Intercession for all that God is doing. Intercession is a normal part of our team’s weekly structure. But recently my Director and I have been feeling that God is drawing me more into standing in an intercessor role for our team and the ministry our team is doing with more hours of my work week. This includes many forms of intercession and it is an adventure that I will continue to grow in. It’s been amazing to see that as I pray what I sense God is saying (and I have no mental knowledge of circumstances but have been only asked “please pray”) God gives me the keys for what He is wanting to do and what I have prayed for literally happens during the meetings and times I am following His voice. Such as people’s minds and hearts to be brought into unity in a meeting overseas (I wasn’t aware there was an issue in this area at the time but prayed what He said) and found out after that there was much disunity at the beginning but things changed during the meeting. Praise God! I look forward to much more of these times with following the Holy Spirit’s lead in prayer and worship. 


This weekend I will be traveling to DC for a weekend of Intercession. Last year I heard of an event with Lou Ingle and I felt the Lord stirring me to go. It’s been a process of asking the Lord for the last year what He wants to do through this. I will also be joining up with my good friend Jessica, who also has been prepared for the Lord to work through her in this step of faith. My mom will be there and following God’s leading here along with my teammates Alexis and Shannon. We will be going after what God is wanting to say and I will be asking God how to partner with Him for healing, freedom, breakthrough in pride and a shifting of identity understanding in our nation. I anticipate the Lord doing mighty things because of the many prayers being prayed by hopefully Millions.



And then right after this weekend in October, my husband Brian and I will be leading a small group of youth to a youth conference at Bethel in CA. We both felt the leading of the Lord to bring these youth, even he and I heard from God on the same youth to invite. So along with Brian’s two amazing teens – two of their friends will be coming as well. We are believing for God to do something powerful in each of their lives through this time. Something that only He can do and also something they will never recover from. Amen!

Thank you for being on this journey with me!