Back in Redding for the Summer

I am back in Redding, CA! Yay for being home ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป I have over the past few years become more fond of having a place to have roots and consistent community. I find that to be able to go out strong and prepared I need the former. So, glad to be home and still for a bit as I continue to pursue the things God has put on my path for this season.ย 

Update from the last few months: I was able to meet with many individuals and pray with many people. I had the opportunity to connect with friends I havenโ€™t seen in many years (some of them 29 years to be exact ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿฅณ) and get updates on their lives and share mine. I had the privilege of ministering to a 92 beautiful lady who had an encounter with the Holy Spirit filling her, and her family shared how โ€œshe is completely different.โ€ I also was able to share testimonies of what God is doing all over the world with so many people on this trip and encourage them in their journey with God. I had multiple meetings with potential financial teammates and now have three new supporters with me along with multiple people who gave one time gifts! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป I am so thankful for all the pieces of what God has done over the past few months!ย 

Here is one of the church groups I was able to share my mission and also share how to walk in our Kingdom Identity in hope and joy!! God touched a man’s heart deeply as God brought him truth and encouragement.
Had the chance to go down Memory Lane, thanks to my Mom. Seeing more of the heritage I’ve received from my family. Picture of little Ruth with my Grandpa George on his farm.
I was able to volunteer for VBS and help with 4 year olds. It was such a gift to love on them.
Some of my older brother’s amazing kids. Loved having some time to celebrate Luke’s High school Graduation and be present for their choir year end performance.
Some fun time with my brother and his beautiful family.

I also was able to see the beautiful Gulf, miss seeing the waves and birds and sand. Literally I saw a shark come up and snag a fish right in front of me at the location of this picture. Was very surprised. ๐Ÿ˜†

For the next piece of my journey I am continuing to pray and ask God for who to connect with, what churches to connect with to minister and advance His kingdom but also offer an invite to be on my financial support team. I believe the Lord has connections for me and He is weaving a beautiful tapestry of His kids in this. Praying for wisdom and also connections to open. 

I am also pursuing growth in the music/worship side of my ministry and so in this I will be attending a worship conference for a week here in Redding to learn from seasoned worship leaders. I am also setting aside more time in this season to create music with the Lord and to grow in my technique.ย 

Those are my main focuses for this time over the next few months. Excited to see what God does and to see the growth in me. 

You can partner with me in prayers in how God is working all this out over the next few months. Thank you!