Dear family, friends, and supporters. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!!
God did so many beautiful things in 2023, and I wanted to celebrate by sharing a recap with some testimonies!

January 2023 – Renewal Retreat for Missionaries in Texas
A team of 20 people at a Crisis Pregnancy Center were completely burned out and had lost passion, joy and vision in what God had called them to do. Here’s what happened:
- Personal one-on-one ministry
- Powerful worship times in God’s presence
- Lots of laughing at the enemy and circumstances
- Many physical healings including carpal tunnel and partial hearing loss healed, one of the ringing pitches stopped!
- This team was completely renewed and revived!!!

February 2023 – Asia KCPR School
We did a 10 week online school in a closed country in Asia with pastors and house church leaders. We saw revival truly come, and the fruit spilling over into their churches, teams, and families!
Some testimonies from our students –
- “I was familiar with the Father and Jesus, but in this school, I met the Holy Spirit.”
- A pastor was teaching his congregation the things he was learning and revival started happening – people began coming back to church who hadn’t come in years, family reconciliation in the congregation, and radical physical healings like cancer falling out of a person’s body!! He said, “We didn’t even pray for the people who got healed, but God was moving and healing them!”
- One of our students had a daughter who had an addiction and nothing they tried had worked, but he started doing what he was learning in class – he began declaring the truth over her in his prayer times, and she was completely set free from her addiction!

April 2023 – Mission Trip to Romania
We graduated all of our students from our 7-month KCPR School, and then did a revival tour to churches around Romania!
- Our students shared testimonies, prophesied, and prayed for the sick and God moved powerfully through them!
- Believers who had never heard God’s voice before got unlocked!
- Physical Healings:
- Shoulders healed
- Level 8, 1-10 scale, hip pain healed!
- 2 different people’s leg grew out resulting in scoliosis being healed! They could feel a “pop” as their backs shifted into place. Praise God!

May – June 2023 – Travel to Build Support Team and Minister in the USA
I traveled to three States; Iowa, Colorado, and Mississippi. Ministered at three different church groups and had many individual ministry moments with people along the trip.
Testimonies from this trip –
- Man set free from hopelessness
- A girls memory of trauma healed in a music encounter
- A lady realizing that God knows her through the prophetic with specific words
- A girls leg healed
- A ladies arm healed
- A man’s shoulder pain greatly decreased
- A lady experiencing Freedom from bitterness and experiencing the touch of God’s presence on her body
- A ladies back being healed
- Added 3 new supporters during this trip and planted seeds for God to grow

Worship School 2023
A week of learning and growing in dynamics of worship and learning from those who have gone before. Learning about intimacy with God and its correlation in leading worship. How to lead a team and the musical number system and much more.
- Encouraged in my journey with worship leading
- Given practical tools
- Personal healing of past moments
- Ministry time with a couple who also were in the school, got to bless them

September 2023 – Kingdom Leadership School in Romania & Asia
We started a 10-week school to train and equip believers in how to lead like Jesus in their homes, workplaces, churches, etc.
- Radical healing from leadership wounds
- Encountered the goodness of God again
- Received keys, revelation, and confidence to see revival come to their sphere of influence!

Intercession Trip to Iowa
Partnered with a group in Iowa to pray over the US and believe for God to move in Revival in a corn field at my Grandpa’s land.
- Played piano and led worship for some intercession times in the revival tent
- Prayed for a Missionary’s shoulder and she was healed, range of motion back and pain gone
- Participated in the time of prayer and fasting for our nation and partnering with an intercession team gathered on the tent property
- God opened an opportunity to share with a missions board
- Supported the local church in hunger for youth revival

December 2023 – Mission Trip to Romania and Poland
We finished our Kingdom Leadership School by taking a trip to Romania and then travelled on to Poland! It was on this trip that we experienced astonishing signs and wonders from Jesus!!
- A woman said, “If I can just go stand by them, I will be healed.” And she was healed!!
- Shared the Gospel and prayed a general prayer over Ukrainian refugees and healing started breaking out! Backs and hips and other body parts were being healed!
- A person’s shoulder was healed without receiving prayer, just while welcoming more of God’s presence!
- Very specific words of knowledge that completely set people free during one-on-one ministry sessions with leaders and staff.
- Romania students healed of trauma from being a refugee during the war in Kosovo.
- And so much more!!!

I am BLOWN AWAY by all the Lord did in 2023, seeing the nations encounter Jesus and experience revival. It was a powerful year of signs and wonders, and we are excited and hungry to see Jesus move in greater ways this year!!
As a team, we just finished 3 days of prayer and fasting, and 2 days of casting vision with the Holy Spirit for the year! We are full of anticipation of where Jesus is taking us and what He has for us as a team and ministry!
Thank you to each of you who follow along in the journey, who pray for me, who support me monthly and with one-time gifts. I couldn’t do this without your prayer and support, and every single testimony from this year is yours!!

Love and Blessings,