
This is a Romanian student who experienced God heal him in memories while I was playing music for a group and singing what I felt the heart of God was saying. He shared after the music that God brought him to a memory of him with his parents and showed him what his parents were feeling and God gave him compassion and love for them in a deep way, and the weight on his heart was gone. This was a year long issue he didn’t know how to fix, but God brought healing to him in a moment.

Here is Ana. God brought her heart healing through His love for her during a time of prayer. I was sharing with her that I felt she had been fighting for her voice to be heard and fighting to provide for herself since she was a kid, but God was bringing healing to this place in her heart, and He wanted to take this burden off her shoulders. He wanted to carry it and her burden would be easy and light. She was crying and experiencing God’s love. Afterward she informed me she was an orphan as a child and she had to fight for herself, but to know God wanted this role in her life was huge. Jesus worked so deep in her heart, setting her heart free and securing her heart in His love.

Here is a group of students I co-led on a mission trip to two gypsy villages in Romania. During this trip many people were healed. Each of the students saw God work through them in healing, giving words of encouragement to local ministry staff and praying for them, ministering to local children where they learned more about the goodness of God, and each student learned more about how to live and lead a Kingdom life in community.

This young lady was healed by God. She had been having pain in her left ribs for years where it was hard to move, and one of her ribs was stuck. While praying for God to heal her back her rib moved and became unstuck. She started to weep out of surprise and thankfulness. It was a precious moment of God healing her with His love.

Here is the staff of a Crisis Pregnancy Center in Texas who experienced the deep refreshing of God and also were given tools during a weekend ministry workshop. The staff were greatly impacted during this workshop in learning how to stand in Joy no matter the circumstance, how to focus on God’s presence through worship, and how to live from heaven to earth. God brought them encounters with Himself in many ways. One lady’s carpel tunnel was healed, another’s hearing was greatly improved, while other’s experienced the presence of God in more profound ways than they had yet had. One lady mentioned while crying with thankfulness, “During worship I felt like I was in heaven, and I could feel God’s presence so strongly. I’ve always longed for something like this, but this is my first time.” The staff was transformed during this weekend!

This is Geanina. She is an amazing Revivalist and now a staff member in our Kingdom Culture and Personal Revival schools. During our time together over the last few years God has brought so much healing and freedom to her life. God has brought her from pain and bitterness to joy and freedom. God has brought such a foundation of joy into her life, she now releases joy to those around her. It’s been amazing to see how much God has brought life and strength into her these years and to be a part of her journey with God. She truly is a treasure to us and the world!